Tuesday 15 April 2014

My Favourite Workout: Blogilates

Well good morning everyone! 
This is just a happy sunshiny morning workout blog post that I thought might be of benefit to you all :) 

As I previously mentioned in my first post, Im trying to loose weight and get some amazing abs, but I never mentioned how Im working towards it. This is what this post is about! 

Unfortunately Im not a massive fan of the gym, last year I was going 5 days a week but hated it 4 of those 5 days because I got sooooooo bored of doing the same things over and over again! So I quit the gym and started researching other ways of trying to loose weight. I tried running, but I got bored of that, I tried swimming but found I didn't have the time to do it enough to make an impact and I tried insanity but after 2 weeks I was so fed up of it I dreaded seeing Shaun T's face! so I started to give up and thought about rejoining the gym until I found BLOGILATES on YouTube! 

Blogilates by Cassey Ho is one of the best workout Ive ever done. Cassey is so energetic and has a 'real woman' body. Don't get me wrong she is slim and toned but she is not so overly muscular you think you'll never get to how she looks. Unlike the majority of workout videos, it doesn't feel like a workout, more like having a gossip with your friend. Cassey involves you so much in her life and tells you about whats going on whilst doing the workout (which makes time go so much faster!). 

Boliglates is based around pilates workouts (Cassey is a qualified instructor) something I hadn't tried before and I absolutely love it. You feel like your working your entire body without having to kill yourself for hours at the gym. She even creates a monthly calendar matching videos up for you to get the best workout possible without having to think (how good is that?). I mean this girl covers EVERY area of your body in these videos that range from 4 minutes to 20 minutes and she gives a beginners and advance version of the moves! Her Pop Pilates challenges are great if you want to push yourself a little or you can even just do some cardio videos. This was the first challenge I ever did from Blogilates and I was hooked! 

It all sounds too good to be true right? but it gets better, she even does 'Cheap Clean Eats'. Showing us how to eat healthy on a budget whilst still being tasty (the flour less pizza is soooo good!). There is an online store to buy her workout clothes (some of the tank tops I'm desperate to buy) as well as an app and her blog to help you get the best from the workouts! 

If anyone is stuck on how to improve their workouts I would seriously recommend doing some blogilates, its fun, cheap and really does work! 

Let me know if any of you have tried it before, or if you try it after reading this post! (Do it, seriously you won't regret it! Well you might tomorrow when your aching but its so worth it!) 

Lots of love xx

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