Monday 31 March 2014

Book Nerd

Something I forgot to put on my 'about me' post was my huge addiction to reading. I'm pretty nerdy when it comes to reading and I will and do read pretty much anything!

With travelling to University this year (1.5 hours there and 1.5 back 4 days a week) I get a lot of spare time to read. Although thinking about it I could probably spend this time doing something more productive like coursework or revision but who wants to do that at 7 am and 5pm everyday? Not me! 

To give you a little idea about how much I read- My kindle library on my iPad has 35 books on that I've read since Christmas 2013? When I put it like that it does sound quite a lot haha!
Well anyway I thought I would write about some of the books I have read recently!

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn: This is easily one of the BEST books I have ever read and Im so glad they are turning it into a film! Although it started off a little slow, once it got going I couldn't put it down. There are so many twists and turns in the book I couldn't help myself from reading an extra twenty pages when I knew I needed to get to sleep. This isn't the normal type of book I tend to choose but I seriously can't put into words how much I LOVEDDD this book! I would recommend it to everyone and definitely read it before you watch the film! 

The One Plus One by Jojo Moyes
I've literally just finished this book and it was so good! The style is relaxed and conversational so its typically easy to read no matter what your doing (I'm getting good at reading whilst having screaming children next to me on the train!). Its definitely worth a read if you enjoy something a bit different to your typical love stories or thriller books! 

Tigers in Red Weather by Liza Klaussman 
This book actually got referred to me from my best friend. It isn't something I would typically read but I completely fell in love with this book. The twists kept you interested and the different character voices made you have to keep reading. Its a bit more challenging to read in terms of it is set in American 1940's  and forward so the period detail is harder to grasp. However this book kept me hooked like nobodies business! As I was reading I began to felt I knew the characters!

Have you got any favourite books or have you read any of these? 


  1. gone girl looks so interesting now! putting that on my to read list

    1. Its seriously amazing hun! You'll love it!

  2. I love such kind of posts, very useful. Thanks <3

    I hope you have some time to visit my new blog, I'll be waiting for you!
    Good luck!

    1. Im glad you liked it :) you're blog looks so cute :) xx
